Marketing Management

Welcome to the Marketing Management programme

We look forward to welcoming you on Tuesday 30 January 2018 at 9:00 a.m. at:

Cphbusiness Søerne
Nansensgade 19
1366 København K

You can find your name on the lists posted on the wall next to the administration at ground floor. It tells you which class and classroom you are to attend.

Information about the intro weeks

The programme for the intro week and your schedule for the semester will be presented on the first day. On the same day you will receive online access to our intranet where you can get information about your study programme, including schedule and the school e-mail. During the intro days you have the opportunity to meet your fellow students and get to know your team of lecturers.

Expect your scheduled activities to take place on weekdays between 8:15 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. If you have a student job, it should be outside these hours. Remember to bring a computer.

Practical information

During the intro weeks you will visit one of our photo booths and have your picture taken for a student card.


Find your textbooks at Polyteknisk Boghandel. The Book list will be ready on the 9 January 2018.

You can also buy your books at Polyteknisk Boghandel at :

  • Landemærket 11, room 106, 1st floor, 1119 København K.
    The bookstore is open Monday to Friday from 15 January to 23 February 
    from 09.00 am to 02.00 pm. However, during week 5 the bookstore is open until 04.00 pm Monday to Friday and until 02.00 pm on Friday.

    DTU Bygning 101, Anker Engelunds Vej 1, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby.
    The bookstore is open Monday to Friday from 08.30 am until 04.30 pm.