Cphbusiness Alumni

Get tips for your career development, tools for your job search and inspiration for your personal development through the career network Cphbusiness Alumni.

The career network Cphbusiness Alumni is a professional network for both former and current students at Cphbusiness.

The purpose of the network is to strengthen your career development after your graduation from Cphbusiness through events and information that creates value for you and your career.

It is free to be part of the network and you have access to all of the offers we have.

Join the club. It only costs your email.

It’s easy to join the career network. Just sign up for our newsletter. In return, you get:

  • Tips and tools for your job search
  • Inspiration for your further career development
  • Free access to talks, events and workshops

Sign up for our newsletter today and join the career network today.

cphbusiness alumni