Student counselling
Welcome to the Student Counselling and Internship Services.
We are here to assist you if you have questions regarding your degree programme and career opportunities, to provide sparring, and if you meet any challenges during your studies.
The student counsellors at Cphbusiness have several years’ experience with student counselling and are well equipped to assist you. We are passionate about providing the best service. One of our most important tasks is to provide support to students during their studies. The Student Counselling and Internship Services are committed to the following principles: respect, equality, independence, openness and trust.
When you are in contact with a student counsellor, you can therefore, among others, expect the following:
- All student counselling is based on an open dialogue and you make the decisions. The student counsellor can only provide information and act as an active sparring partner.
- All student counselling is confidential. The student counsellor will not pass on to others information you have given in confidentiality, i.e. we will only contact your professors and/or others with your consent.
- All student counselling is unbiased and independent. The Student Counselling is neutral and independent.
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about your studies and we will help you as best we can. However, there are limits as to what we can help with, though we have great experience to draw on to help you further on. We have several partners, which we can refer you to. All conversations and enquiries are confidential.
We have many students at Cphbusiness. In order to assist as many as possible, we have divided our Student Counselling and Internship Services into a centralized and de-centralized department. As such, you will find a local Student Counselling and Internship Services on each campus, as well as a centralized Student Counselling and Internship Services on Cphbusiness Søerne.
Contact a counsellor
Cphbusiness Søerne
Nansensgade 19, 1366 København K
Opening hours: Monday - Thursday 10.00 a.m. - 2.00 p.m.
Telephone hours: Monday - Thursday 9.00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m.
Email: counsellingsoerne@cphbusiness.dk
Tel.: (+45) 36 15 45 13
Cphbusiness Lyngby
Firskovvej 18, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Opening hours: Monday - Thursday 10.00 a.m. - 2.00 p.m.
Telephone hours: Monday - Thursday 9.00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m.
Email: counsellinglyngby@cphbusiness.dk
Tel.: (+45) 36 15 45 14
Upload documents
If you need to send documents to the student counselling via a secure connection, you can upload them here: