Karen Hoby Skanning


Copenhagen Business Academy

Karen Hoby Skanning

+45 3615 4915

Nansensgade 19
1366 København K

Area of business at Cphbusiness

Karen is a senior lecturer at Cphbusiness Academy.

She teaches a variety of courses in leadership, communication and cultural understanding.

Karen is also involved in research and development projects on leadership development in future.


Educational background and work experience

Karen holds a Master’s Degree in English, communication and rhetoric. She  is also an external lecturer at Copenhagen
Business School (CBS).

Karen specializes in leadership communication, communication across cultures and presentation skills. She has edited speeches for top management and trained leaders in linguistic nuances and convincing delivery strategies when presenting in English.

She is a certified cultural intelligence facilitator and has many years of experience advising leaders and management groups in creating value and results. Karen’s experience as head of corporate communications in a leading global company of consulting engineers has given her extensive hands-on
experience with versatile communication and leadership challenges.