Create a professional job application with a résumé builder

Novorésumé is a professional résumé builder that allows you to easily create a professional job application and increase the chances of you getting your dream job. It is a valuable tool for all job-seeking graduates.

The layouts are thoughtfully designed by an experienced graphic designer in collaboration with HR experts and employers to offer an increased readability. We help users as well with their content, with our live content optimizer and professional tips & examples.

The team carefully prepared together with HR experts, résumé templates, CV Templates and Cover Letters templates to make sure all the documents you need when applying for a job are professional and will increase your chances of being called for interviews.

Due to an intuitive process, writing your information is a simple and straightforward process since the focus is on saving time during the job searching process, making sure the users have more time to consider the quality of the content and finding the companies they would like to work for.

Before starting writing your résumé, it is advised to read the professional résumé writing guide and get inspired by all the examples, the team has already prepared in order to have an idea of how a professional application should look like.

  • Is your name, address, phone number and email address at the top of the page?
  • Can an employer understand the main sections within 7 to 10 seconds?
  • Did you write your résumé for each specific position by including the key skills and experiences the employer wants?
  • Is the information listed in order of importance and relevance to the requirements listed in the job description?
  • Do most phrases begin with an action verb, such as "conducted", "implemented", "increased", etc.?
  • Have you been accurate and truthful about your accomplishments rather than being too modest or exaggerating?
  • Did you double check the spelling of every word and made sure the grammar and punctuation are correct?

Using Novorésumé’s templates, we receive messages from our users that they have been hired at companies such as: Samsung, Google, Airbnb, Vice, Spotify, Volvo, Audi, Nordea and much more.

Update or create your résumé now, and you will be one step closer to getting your dream job.
