Whistleblower reporting system

The purpose of establishing a Whistleblower reporting system at Cphbusiness, is to discover and handle any situation that Cphbusiness is not informed of by any of the other existing communication channels.

The system is a supplement to the direct and daily communication at the workplace, which also includes conversations on any type of error or unsatisfactory situation and to the formal options for appeals that students and employees already have.

With this system we wish:

  • To ensure openness and transparency regarding illegal and critical inconsistencies at Cphbusiness.
  • To protect students, employees and others who report information to the scheme and those who are reported.
  • To ensure that the given information is being handled constructively towards improvement, prevention, and defense against mistakes and illegalities at Cphbusiness.
  • Who can be reported?

    The system can be used to report people who are connected to Cphbusiness: Employees, members of the executive board and the board of directors, auditors, suppliers, business partners and lawyers.

    Furthermore, the system can be used to report students at Cphbusiness, as long as the situation that is reported is associated to Cphbusiness.

  • What can be reported?

    The Whistleblower system handles information about serious circumstances that concerns the task management at Cphbusiness. Whether this is the case, will depend on a specific assessment.

  • Who can report?

    Everybody can report in the system. People are anonymous in the system, but can choose to submit personal data concerning themselves.

  • What is considered to be serious cirumstances?

    The Whistleblower system handles information about serious circumstances that concerns the task management at Cphbusiness. Whether this is the case, will depend on a specific assessment.

    Typically, it contains information about:

    • Punishable circumstances, e.g. violation of confidentiality, abuse of economic funds, embezzlement and fraud.
    • Severe or repeated violations of the law like for example the Danish Public Administration Act, the Danish Access to Public Administration Files Act (Disclosure Act) and the Data Protection Act.
    • Severe or repeated violations of principles of administrative law, e.g. the principle of objectivity or misuse of power.
    • Severe or repeated violations of significant internal guidelines, for example guidelines for giving and receiving of gifts, mission expenses or financial reporting.
    • Severe personal conflicts at the workplace, for example harassment.
    • Sexual harassment, for example unwanted verbal, non-verbal or psychical behavior with sexual undertones with the purpose, or result of violating a person’s dignity, namely by creating a threatening, hostile, degrading, humiliating or uncomfortable environment.
    • Conscious deception of students, civilians or co-workers.

    This means that information about the following situations typically will not be handled in the system:

    • Violation of internal guidelines about for example sick leave, smoking, alcohol or use of office supplies etc.
    • Less severe personal conflicts
    • Suspicions about students cheating on their exams

    These kinds of situations will be handled elsewhere like for example by the nearest head of department, HR-department, occupational health and safety representative or staff representative, or through direct contact with the management of the different study programmes.

    In case the information reported will not be handled in the whistleblower system, the person who has reported will be contacted through the system, and guided on how the inquiry should be handled instead.

  • Where to report

    Cphbusiness' internal reporting system

    You report via an external system, where you have the opportunity to remain anonymous.

    Go to the reporting system here

    The Danish Data Protection Agency's whistleblower unit

    You can also choose to use a national and thus external whistleblower unit under the Danish Data Protection Agency. You can choose to do this, if you assess that the violation cannot be dealt with effectively internally, or if you find, that there is a significant risk of retaliation against you.

    We encourage you to use the internal system so that we, at Cphbusiness, can use any information submitted constructively to improve, prevent and avert errors and illegalities at Cphbusiness.

    Go to the Danish Data Protection Agency's whistleblower unit 

    In addition, whistleblower channels have been set up under the Ministry of Justice (for matters concerning the Police Intelligence Service), under the Armed Forces (for matters concerning the Defense Intelligence Service), and other whistleblower channels are already in place in accordance with sector-specific EU legislation.

    You can use these whistleblower channels, if you have become aware of serious conditions in these areas.

  • Statutory publishing of data from the whistleblowing reporting system

    According to the Whistleblower Protection Act a workplace that is covered by this legislation must publish a series of information about reports received in their system each year.

    In the Danish Ministry of Justice's guidance on whistleblower systems in public workplaces, it is described that the following information must be published:

    • How many reports have been taken under active consideration
    • How many reports have been rejected or closed
    • How many reports have resulted in notification of the police

    As part of the publication a general description of the themes for the reports received and followed up on during the period.

    See an overview of Cphbusiness' reports