Possibilities after graduation
In Denmark
We strongly encourage our international graduates to stay in Denmark after graduation. The internships which form a compulsory part of all our educations are a possible stepping stone towards a first full-time job. Thus the employment rate for our students both at AP degree level and Bachelor level is high and is expected to increase even more due to the economic growth that Denmark is undergoing.
The Study and Career Centre at Cphbusiness, Cphbusiness International and Cphbusiness Alumni can be contacted for advice on how to find a job, information about the labour market as well as tips and tricks for a successful integration in Denmark.
Helpful links
Once you have graduated with an AP Degree or Professional Bachelor’s Degree at Cphbusiness you will be able to apply for further studies abroad within the field.
Admission is subject to individual evaluation of qualifications by the higher education institution which you apply to.